Service Times

Regular Service times in the St John's Parish are as follows:
Sundays - Communion Services:
10.00 am St Luke's Church - Black Road in Otatara
10:00 am St John's house church at Rod Jordan's
Diary of Coming Events - 4th week of Advent
10.00am Home Study Group at Irene's - phone Linda 213 1472 for details
9.30am Mid week Eucharist service at Holy Trinity church in Windsor
10.30am Eucharist at All Saints church
10.00 am No January services - at St Lukes, Otatara
10.00 am Starts 23 January - Morning Prayer at Iona House Church (call Linda for directions 213 1472)
7.00 pm Night Church at All Saints, Gladstone - every 1st & 3rd Sunday
18th December is Nine Lessons and Carols - with a choir
For Spiritual Counsel - contact Rev'd Liz Cheyne 03 217 0225
10.00am Home Study Group at Irene's - phone Linda 213 1472 for details
9.30am Mid week Eucharist service at Holy Trinity church in Windsor
10.30am Eucharist at All Saints church
10.00 am No January services - at St Lukes, Otatara
10.00 am Starts 23 January - Morning Prayer at Iona House Church (call Linda for directions 213 1472)
7.00 pm Night Church at All Saints, Gladstone - every 1st & 3rd Sunday
18th December is Nine Lessons and Carols - with a choir
For Spiritual Counsel - contact Rev'd Liz Cheyne 03 217 0225

What else is coming up:
Nine Lesson and Carols @ All Saints Come and enjoy this worship together at All Saints, Holywood Terrace, 18 December at 7.00 pm
Christmas Eve
Holy Trinity 9.45 pm Carols 10.00 pm Christmas Eucharist - Port/Orange and Christmas Cake to follow
All Saints 11.30 pm Christmas Eucharist
St Luke’s 6.00 pm – Children and Families Eucharist
Christmas Day
Holy Trinity No Service
All Saints 9.30 am Eucharist
St Luke’s No service
Holy Trinity 9.30 am – service every Sunday (Some Eucharist, others Morning Prayer)
All Saints 9.30 am – service every Sunday
St Luke’s No Services in January The Children’s Service will commence again on the 4th Sunday in February.
House Church 174 Conyers St 10.00 am – commencing again on the last Sunday in January, 29 January 2023
Covid-19 update from the Dunedin Anglican Diocese website re public worship - please have a look at our online connections @ the Called South website
COVID-19 Protection Framework Red Update
Bishop Steve Benford — February 17, 2022
We are Red by Called South
We moved to the RED setting from 11.59 pm on 23 January 2022 due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19 spreading in NZ. We are updating our advice on the Traffic Light System as new information comes to hand.
Updated Diocese of Dunedin Response to the New Zealand COVID-19 Protection Framework ("Traffic Lights")
Highlights for the Red Setting
- All churches and faith communities advised to look at contingency plans
- Limit of 100 people at Vaccine Pass Only Services
- Limit of 25 people for Mixed Services
- Face masks must be worn at all gatherings
- Strongly advising communion in one kind (bread) only
We are Red Called South
As already indicated, under the Red setting, we are limited to up to 100 people at Vaccine Pass only Services
For Mixed Services (no vaccine pass required) the limit is 25 people.
We are now being advised that face coverings need to be an actual mask that covers your nose and mouth properly. These must be worn in all gatherings such as church services. This applies to Vaccine Pass Only services as well as Mixed Services.
In the Press Conference on 25 January, the Prime Minister indicated:
These changes also won’t apply to non-public facing workplaces, swimming pools, and gatherings where you have the exclusive use of a premises. We really do encourage all workplaces, though, to think about mask-use policies that protect your workforce, and I know many businesses are already doing so....All workers who are legally mandated to be vaccinated must now also wear a medical-grade mask—for example, a Type IIR or a Level 2 mask or above—while working in public-facing roles. So that includes, for instance, the widely available blue medical-grade masks that many are already wearing.
Again, please review our updated response and adjust your provision of services accordingly. I'm asking that all people in any service wear masks as outlined in our Guidance, and I'm also strongly advising that communion be only given in one kind (bread only) in all services.
Some may be concerned about "what if" scenarios: what if I get sick or need to isolate, what happens to regular worship if I can't lead or do this?
I'm encouraging all Parishes and churches to have this conversation and look at what contingencies can be put in place (just as we are being asked to do for ourselves at home: we have included some resources at the end of this article on this). If an authorised person can help run a service of prayer or you are able to move on-line for prayer, please do this. There continue to be regular on-line opportunities for prayer and we will continue to review this if the situation changes further.
Please continue to hold our country and each other in our prayers during these very uncertain times. It is tempting to be fearful and afraid when we face real uncertainty like we are right now, but we hold fast to the words of the the apostle Paul:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 6-7)
I'm confident that nothing can separate us from the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and our task to to continue to show this love in every way we conduct ourselves in whatever lies ahead.
Bishop Steve
Please note: Capacity limits are based on the maximum number of people who could occupy the space if each person was 1 metre apart. People do not have to keep 1 metre apart at the venue. In some cases a maximum number is also specified. The limits include everyone, including children, in a defined space, except workers).
Life at Red — Image by: NZ Government